Wood You Look at That: Rare, Historical Treasure at Goodwin
Calling All Education Enthusiasts
Are you fascinated with history? Better yet, do timeless pieces of literature delight you? Here at Goodwin Company, we are the proud possessor of, “An Inside Story of Tidewater Red Cypress for Interiors of Beauty and Stability”. In our showroom, we carry this book originating in 1936 that gives wisdom on “The Wood Eternal”, Cypress that develops in the waters. It provides some of the rich history behind our River-Recovered® Heart Cypress collections.
Pieces of the Publication
“An Inside Story of Tidewater Red Cypress for Interiors of Beauty and Stability” is 28 pages packed with photos, information, and unique facts on how long cypress has been around, and how ancient civilizations utilized this antique wood throughout history. Did you know cypress was the material used to construct mummy cases? Modern day caskets adopt the same techniques, demonstrating that history does repeat itself.
Drilling Into the Past to Understand the Present
Classic literature enlightens readers to take a look inside earlier days, building knowledge on a previously studied topic or something unfamiliar and totally new. One of a kind finds like this print are preserved and often cannot be duplicated. Seasoned articles and books are essential to comprehend how the past molds the present, often providing insight and inspiration.
Comparable Customs
Upon reading the book, Goodwin Company follows the same traditions practiced in the earlier times. Our Eternal Collection consists of dense cypress logs that floated down the river in the 18th and 19th centuries, before being retrieved from river bottoms and constructed into our signature sinker cypress wood products. Much the same as the logs recovered 100,000 years ago, our logs are crafted delicately to establish the longevity and low maintenance to last a lifetime.
Wood You Like to Know More?
Fortunately, the book has been digitized and is available electronically. Or, you can stop by our showroom here at Goodwin to see the unique book in its physical form, then take a gander at our very own Heart Cypress and see how we deliver to your custom needs. Here’s a look at how one homeowner used our River-Recovered® Heart Cypress Pecky to enhance their den: