Turning Lost Trees into Tomorrow’s Treasures


It’s hard to believe we have been milling antique River-Recovered®, building reclaimed, and storm rescued trees for more than 40 years! Whether rescued, reclaimed or River-Recovered (i.e. sinker cypress, heart pine, etc.), we saw each log onsite. We then allow the boards to fry for a few weeks before sending them to the kiln. We kiln dry all of our wood to ensure our products are mold, insect, and moisture free. The kiln set at approximately 120 degrees Fahrenheit and reaches 140 degrees to guarantee the wood is dry and ready for life on land again.

Once the boards undergo their second level of grading, they are ready to mill into reclaimed wood flooring, paneling, or surfaced lumber. The grader always chooses the best face of the wood. As the board runs through the mill it can be given a tongue and groove, back relief, or simply be sawn S4S where the board is surfaced on four sides.

The accompanying video features antique heart pine being milled for installation in a Florida home circa 1900. The antique wood will be used as trim in the home as part of its historic restoration. As early as the 17th century, heart pine was used to construct many North American buildings, especially in the southeast, due to its abundance, beauty, and durability.
Manufacturing building materials from this historic wood is exciting as we see the rich grain of these sunken treasures come to life more and more every step of the way.

Antique heart pine’s selection for both historic projects and new construction designs speaks to the timelessness of the wood we work with here at Goodwin.