Another Visit from Florida Crotchwood!

Another Visit from Florida Crotchwood!

A day spent watching Randy and Paula from Florida Crotchwood sawing our River-Recovered® heart cypress logs with their mobile sawmill is a day well spent. Take a look at the gorgeous slabs they were able to get from this log!

You may notice a beautiful green stain on some of the slabs. When the original loggers from hundreds of years ago were transporting cypress logs, they would often implant iron eyelets to help them haul the log to the riverside. When the logs sank, the iron eyelets would decay. The cypress would absorb the mineral, leaving green stains behind. If you look closely, you’ll even see the bark disturbed from where the eyelets used to be! It’s one of the many beautiful and historically significant elements you’ll find in River-Recovered® heart cypress.