Antique Wood Flooring Myths
1) Some people think that antique wood does not shrink and swell anymore so it does not need to be brought to the proper moisture content on the job site. On the contrary wood science and field experience both indicate antique wood shrinks or swells when the moisture content changes. You need to install the wood at a moisture content that is close to the value that will be maintained while the building is in use.
2) We often hear the remark that old wood does not need to be kiln dried. There are two issues here. First, most air dried wood has a moisture content too high for interior use. The second is the possible presence of living organisms such as powder post beetles, termites, or mold. Kiln drying to 140 F for several hours eliminates live insect pests in the wood. Proper kiln drying also eliminates living mold and brings the moisture content down to a level that wood will not support mold growth. Click on the link to read more information about kiln drying in our article in WoodSource KilnDrying101 .