Raised Local
Local. Growing up in a tourist destination, I often heard this word. It was a defense people used or a title they adopted to identify themselves with their city. Being a local seemed to give people a sense of self. Today, I more typically hear the word local used to express the quality or integrity of a product, rather than a person.
Not too long ago, everything was local and distinguishing a product as such would have seemed redundant. But now, with just a few taps on our smartphones, we have access to almost any product worldwide. Because of this, I find myself buying specific products online so I can read reviews and compare features to ensure I am getting the best. But, when I do this, I am sacrificing locality for quality. What if we didn’t have to make this choice? What if I could have quality products, personalized to my needs, knowing they were still produced sustainably and locally?
Let’s take a look at Goodwin Company. They manufacture a high quality product available globally, but sourced and manufactured locally.
Quality- Goodwin offers 100% old growth heart wood that is harvested in compliance with the Florida Deadhead Logging Permit to ensure protection of ecosystems.
Personalized-The Heritage Wood Finish Company, in partnership with Goodwin, specializes in finishes for heart wood. Their finishes are second in hardness only to diamonds and are available in an array of colors. All finishes have low to no VOCs and are safe for children and pets.
Local– Goodwin wood is recovered from southern U.S. Rivers including Suwannee, Santa Fe, and the St. John’s Rivers. Goodwin was the first reclaimed wood company in America to manufacture engineered wood flooring in this country.
Sustainable- Wood is sourced from 19th century industrial buildings, storm damaged trees, and sustainably harvested forests. Sawmill shavings are sold to be used in Biomass plants and the company is looking for ways to implement a solar sawmill as well as wind energy.
Guest Post by Lauren Corley
Lauren Corley is a guest author for Goodwin and is a senior in the Innovation Academy at the University of Florida studying Sustainability in the Built Environment with a minor in Innovation. She began her involvement with Goodwin at the 2015 Greenbuild conference in Washington D.C. She is from the Panhandle of Florida and gained an interest for sustainability and its use in space as a high school student. Since moving to Gainesville she has interned for the Repurpose Project as well as the Alachua County Public Schools under the Energy Conservation Specialist.