Reclaimed Wood Adds Warmth To Music
Why do you think that violins and guitars are made from wood? Music loves wood, that’s why. Now you can experience the warmth of wood through Griffin Technology’s reclaimed wood ear buds. And what makes these ear buds very unique is that the wooden enclosure isn’t a gimmick, they add to the music by delivering distinctive vocals and bass, without boosting the sound up to an uncomfortable level. According to their site, these wood ear bud enclosures will allow you to experience “Accentuated mid-range. Clean, clear highs. And the even, solid bass foundation that can only come from wood enclosures”. They are not promoted as noise cancelling, but they do help they filter out extraneous environmental sounds. Photo courtesy of
Reclaimed Wood Cutting Boards
Not quite as techy, but just as useful, take a look at this beautiful “Works of HeART” cutting board created from leftover materials of reclaimed antique heart pine. Nothing goes to waste at Goodwin Heart Pine!