Historic Preservationist Loves Goodwin’s LEGACY Heart Pine Flooring
In the Old Northeast Historic District of St. Petersburg, Florida, preservationist and past president of the Old Northeast Neighborhood Association, Maureen Stafford is busy restoring a vintage, early twentieth century beauty. This classic home, like so many built in St. Pete’s grand and early years, was full of heart pine, but age and condition demanded some repair and replacement be done. Goodwin milled 1020 square feet of LEGACY (building reclaimed) heart pine flooring for the project. Built at a time when long leaf pine (pinus palustris) was still plentiful in the state of Florida, Maureen’s careful attention to detail and use of historically appropriate materials assures that this old survivor will enjoy an extended lifetime. Goodwin applauds Maureen’s work and the work of all of those who take on the mantle of preserving great American architecture!!
Did you notice? Maureen used a great old trick in creating the face of her floor. Knowing that the bed will live in one spot in this room, our preservationist made sure to install most of the knottier boards there, insuring that the remainder of her floor will be perfectly clear.